- Carnivore - Predator
- Formerly known as THC HackSuite, Carnivore - Predator stands at the forefront of cutting-edge cybersecurity tools, redefining the landscape of penetration testing with unparalleled innovation. Designed to empower ethical hackers, security professionals, and enthusiasts alike, Carnivore - Predator is the ultimate Pentest CMS that puts you in command.
current version: 0.7.0 - PREDATOR
In this article the server map manager tool will be discussed.
author: Remco Kouw
created: 16-Jun-2024
updated: 16-Jun-2024
Server map Tool
In this documentation we will go through the functionality of the server map tool.

The server map manager creates checksums of a folder's content. This way it's easy to see which files have been deleted, modified or altered, it's to ensure the integrity of Carnivore or any other software that you will use this feature for.
When Carnivore is installed it creates a file called thchs.map which holds the checksums of all files after installation. You can find this file in the BluePrints folder of the thc_xm module. It's important to never remove this file.
In order to make new maps, or blueprints as they are also called, you can just open the xMap module. This tool is mainly for downloading, viewing and removing earlier generated maps.
Expanding Server Map Tool:
Known Issues:
Created by Remco Kouw: 2008-2024