- Carnivore - Predator
- Formerly known as THC HackSuite, Carnivore - Predator stands at the forefront of cutting-edge cybersecurity tools, redefining the landscape of penetration testing with unparalleled innovation. Designed to empower ethical hackers, security professionals, and enthusiasts alike, Carnivore - Predator is the ultimate Pentest CMS that puts you in command.
current version: 0.7.0 - PREDATOR
This article explains how to effectively make use of xScan.
author: Remco Kouw
created: 21-May-2024
updated: 21-May-2024
xScan Introduction
This documentation provides an overview of the functionality of the thc_xs module.

xScan is a multi-host TCP/UDP port scanner that can scan port ranges or manually specified ports. xScan can also import results from the Shodown module.
Interface Parameters:
- Ports: Select a port range or enter ports manually
- Host: Target host or hosts separated by a comma
- Scan Type: Select an action
ModGlue Variables:
- $_CONTEXT['thc_xs']['datafile']: (string) Absolute path to the log file in the root of the module containing properties of performed scans
- $_CONTEXT['thc_xs']['data_template']: (string) New template for scan sessions - only applies to the Remove File case
- $_CONTEXT['thc_xs']['scan_results']: (array) Data from scan sessions - only applies to the Remove File case
- $_CONTEXT['thc_xs']['queries']: (int) Number of sessions - only applies to the Remove File case
- $_CONTEXT['thc_xs']['update']: (boolean) True if the file needs an update, false if not - only applies to the Remove File case
- $_CONTEXT['thc_xs']['countnumber']: (int) Number of sessions in the data file - only applies to the Remove File case
- $_CONTEXT['thc_xs']['scanresultfile']: (string) Absolute path to the results file in the module's results folder - only applies to the Remove File case
- $_CONTEXT['thc_xs']['validfile']: (boolean) True if the specified file exists, false if invalid - only applies to the View File case
- $_CONTEXT['thc_xs']['scan_properties']['ports']: (string) Ports open - only applies to the View File case
- $_CONTEXT['thc_xs']['scan_properties']['domain']: (string) Type of host, IPv4/IPv6 - only applies to the View File case
- $_CONTEXT['thc_xs']['scan_properties']['protocol']: (string) Type of scan, TCP/UDP - only applies to the View File case
- $_CONTEXT['thc_xs']['scan_properties']['host']: (string) Host of the target - only applies to the View File case
- $_CONTEXT['thc_xs']['scan_properties']['time']: (string) Timestamp when the session was performed - only applies to the View File case
- $_CONTEXT['thc_xs']['hosts']: (array) Hosts to scan
- $_CONTEXT['thc_xs']['socket']: (array) Data settings for sockets
- $_CONTEXT['thc_xs']['scan_hosts']: (array) Settings for each scan
- $_CONTEXT['thc_xs']['valid']: (int) Counter for valid hosts to scan
- $_CONTEXT['thc_xs']['socket']['protocol_type']: (array) Settings for type of scan
- $_CONTEXT['thc_xs']['scan_hosts_count']: (int) Number of valid hosts to scan
- $_CONTEXT['thc_xs']['ports']: (array) Open port numbers
- $_CONTEXT['thc_xs']['scan']['min']: (int) First port to scan in range
- $_CONTEXT['thc_xs']['scan']['max']: (int) Last port to scan in range
- $_CONTEXT['thc_xs']['portoptions']: (array) Port ranges
- $_CONTEXT['thc_xs']['data_template_new']: (string) New data template for scan session properties
- $_CONTEXT['thc_xs']['current_host']: (string) Current host being scanned
- $_CONTEXT['thc_xs']['socket_create']: (resource) Socket connection pointer
- $_CONTEXT['thc_xs']['open']: (int) Number of currently open ports
- $_CONTEXT['thc_xs']['open_ports']: (array) Open ports on the current host
- $_CONTEXT['thc_xs']['port']: (int) Current port to connect to during this iteration
- $_CONTEXT['thc_xs']['socket_connect']: (resource) Socket connection to a specific port
- $_CONTEXT['thc_xs']['filename']: (string) Name of the dynamically created result file stored in the module's results folder
- $_CONTEXT['thc_xs']['fullfilename']: (string) Full path to the dynamically created result file stored in the module's results folder
Resource Settings:
- Time limit: PHP default
- Memory limit: PHP default
Expanding xScan:
Known Issues:
Results don't seem to work
Created by Remco Kouw: 2008-2024