Carnivore - Predator
Formerly known as THC HackSuite, Carnivore - Predator stands at the forefront of cutting-edge cybersecurity tools, redefining the landscape of penetration testing with unparalleled innovation. Designed to empower ethical hackers, security professionals, and enthusiasts alike, Carnivore - Predator is the ultimate Pentest CMS that puts you in command.
current version: 0.7.0 - PREDATOR
home > documentation > modules > How to use THC Dork
This article explains how to effectively make use of THC Dork.
author: Remco Kouw
created: 07-May-2024
updated: 07-May-2024

THC Dork Module Introduction

This documentation provides an overview of the functionality of the THC Dork module (thc_do).

The THC Dork module extracts search results from Google.

Interface Parameters:

  1. Results: Number of dorks (1-100)
  2. Input Type: Method to provide search queries: select from a list (data in googledorks.txt in Carnivore's Data folder) or input manually
  3. Input: Select a search query from the list or enter it manually

ModGlue Variables:

  1. $_CONTEXT['thc_do']['dorkstringfile']: (string) Absolute path to data file (googledorks.txt) in Carnivore's Data folder containing dorks separated by new lines
  2. $_CONTEXT['thc_do']['dorkselectfile']: (string) Absolute path to include file (dorkssqlhandler.php) in Carnivore's includes folder for generating SQL error and Google dorks selection menu
  3. $_CONTEXT['thc_do']['dorkstring']: (string) Dork query to search for
  4. $_CONTEXT['thc_do']['google']['dorksafe']: (string) Copy of the dork search query
  5. $_CONTEXT['thc_do']['google']['dorkout']: (string) Dork string with converted special characters
  6. $_CONTEXT['thc_do']['google']['dorkenc']: (string) URL-encoded dork string
  7. $_CONTEXT['thc_do']['google']['query']: (array) Key-value pairs for the search query
  8. $_CONTEXT['thc_do']['google']['query']['q']: (string) Copy of the URL-encoded string
  9. $_CONTEXT['thc_do']['google']['query']['start']: (int) Link result offset when results span multiple pages
  10. $_CONTEXT['thc_do']['google']['harvest']: (array) Links extracted from Google
  11. $_CONTEXT['thc_do']['google']['max']: (int) Maximum number of links to harvest
  12. $_CONTEXT['thc_do']['google']['searchurl']: (string) Base URL for search
  13. $_CONTEXT['thc_do']['google']['searchurldyn']: (string) Search URL modified with start offset parameter
  14. $_CONTEXT['thc_do']['google']['agent']: (string) Browser identification string
  15. $_CONTEXT['thc_do']['google']['timeout']: (int) Connection timeout in seconds
  16. $_CONTEXT['thc_do']['google']['referer']['dynamic']: (string) Referrer page mimicking browser behavior
  17. $_CONTEXT['thc_do']['google']['reject']: (array) Strings in harvested URLs that prevent them from being harvested
  18. $_CONTEXT['thc_do']['google']['regexes']['multipg']: (string) Regular expression to find next pages in Google search results
  19. $_CONTEXT['thc_do']['google']['regexes']['multipg2']: (string) Regular expression to find next pages with 'Next' text in links in Google search results
  20. $_CONTEXT['thc_do']['google']['regexes']['linkharvest']: (string) Regular expression to extract links from search results
  21. $_CONTEXT['thc_do']['google']['page']: (int) Page identifier
  22. $_CONTEXT['thc_do']['pagesource']: (string) Source of the search result page
  23. $_CONTEXT['thc_do']['linksharvested']: (array) Links harvested from one page
  24. $_CONTEXT['thc_do']['linksamount']: (int) Number of links harvested from one page
  25. $_CONTEXT['thc_do']['abort']: (boolean) Stops or continues harvesting links; true if results limit reached, false otherwise
  26. $_CONTEXT['thc_do']['urlpatterns']: (array) Identifies URL patterns excluded from search results
  27. $_CONTEXT['thc_do']['href']: (array) Checks for links containing next result pages
  28. $_CONTEXT['thc_do']['stringresults']: (string) Matching link results
  29. $_CONTEXT['thc_do']['save']: (int) 1 if results will be saved, 0 if not (applies only to 'Save' case)
  30. $_CONTEXT['thc_do']['resultsfile']: (string) Absolute path to results file in module's RESULTS folder (applies only to 'Save' case)
  31. $_CONTEXT['thc_do']['resultsave']: (boolean) True if results saved successfully, false otherwise (applies only to 'Save' case)

Resource Settings:

  • Time Limit: PHP default
  • Memory Limit: PHP default



Expanding THC Dork:

You can expand the functionality of THC Dork by adding patterns in the googledorks.txt file. Navigate to the Configuration section, find Expand, then click on Dorking and SQL to add or remove new search queries.

Known Issues:

The file googledorks.txt doesn't turn into a select menu.

Google changes its search result source regularly, which may cause the module to stop working. Update the regular expressions in gdork.php located in the module's root folder to mitigate this issue.

Exercise caution when sending too many requests; Google may block your IP for automated search scripts.

Created by Remco Kouw: 2008-2024