- Carnivore - Predator
- Formerly known as THC HackSuite, Carnivore - Predator stands at the forefront of cutting-edge cybersecurity tools, redefining the landscape of penetration testing with unparalleled innovation. Designed to empower ethical hackers, security professionals, and enthusiasts alike, Carnivore - Predator is the ultimate Pentest CMS that puts you in command.
current version: 0.7.0 - PREDATOR
This article explains how to effectively make use of Speedtouch Brute.
author: Remco Kouw
created: 22-May-2024
updated: 22-May-2024
Speedtouch Brute Introduction
This documentation provides an overview of the functionality of the thc_sb module.

Speedtouch Brute is a tool designed to generate WEP/WPA keys for older Thomson and Speedtouch routers. It was the first tool to appear on the former HackSuite CMS.
Interface Parameters:
- BSSID: 6-character hexadecimal broadcast ID, e.g., SpeedtouchF34D0B
ModGlue Variables:
- $_CONTEXT['thc_sb']['log']: (string) Absolute path to the log file in the module's root folder containing cracked keys.
- $_CONTEXT['thc_sb']['input']: (string) BSSID to search for.
- $_CONTEXT['thc_sb']['offset']: (int) Offset to determine whether a part of the generated hash contains the BSSID.
- $_CONTEXT['thc_sb']['charsetbase']: (string) Alphanumeric character set used for generating the hash.
- $_CONTEXT['thc_sb']['chars']: (int) Number of characters in the character set.
- $_CONTEXT['thc_sb']['years']: (array) Possible router manufacturing years.
- $_CONTEXT['thc_sb']['years_amount']: (int) Number of years to test.
- $_CONTEXT['thc_sb']['charsetsid']: (string) Hexadecimal character set containing all possible characters in a BSSID.
- $_CONTEXT['thc_sb']['matches']: (int) Number of possible keys.
- $_CONTEXT['thc_sb']['serial']: (string) Generated serial based on the possible router manufacturing date.
- $_CONTEXT['thc_sb']['hash']: (string) Hashed version of the serial.
- $_CONTEXT['thc_sb']['possiblekey']: (string) WPA/WEP authentication key.
Resource Settings:
- Time Limit: PHP default
- Memory Limit: PHP default
Expanding Speedtouch Brute:
Known Issues:
In some cases, multiple authentication keys may match. Occasionally, the key is incorrect, or no result may be returned at all. If you encounter no matches, consider adding more years to the $aYears variable in the screen.php file located in the module's root folder.
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Created by Remco Kouw: 2008-2024