Carnivore - Predator
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current version: 0.7.0 - PREDATOR
home > documentation > modules > How to use AntiMail
This article explains how to effectively make use of AntiMail.
author: Remco Kouw
created: 27-Mar-2024
updated: 27-Mar-2024

AntiMail Introduction

This documentation explains the functionality of the THC AntiMail (thc_am) module.

AntiMail is a module designed to attack POP3 and IMAP mail servers using dictionary attacks.

Interface Parameters:

  1. Protocol: Selection menu containing the supported mail services.
  2. Mail Server: Location of the mail server.
  3. Username: Username of the user to be attacked.
  4. Port Number: TCP port where the service is listening.
  5. Select Wordlist: Selection menu that contains the names of wordlists from the Wordlists folder.

ModGlue Variables:

  1. $_CONTEXT['thc_am']['protocol']: (string) Selected mail protocol (e.g., 'POP3' or 'IMAP').
  2. $_CONTEXT['thc_am']['mailserver']: (string) Mail server address.
  3. $_CONTEXT['thc_am']['username']: (string) Username for the attack.
  4. $_CONTEXT['thc_am']['port']: (int) Port number where the service is listening.
  5. $_CONTEXT['thc_am']['wordlist']: (string) Path to the selected wordlist.

Resource Settings:

  • Time Limit: PHP default.
  • Memory Limit: PHP default.

Expanding AntiMail:



CURL or Sockets (fallback)

Known Issues:

This is a dictionary attack brute-force module, which can demand significant memory resources. If you encounter time limit or memory issues, consider adjusting the module's settings.

Created by Remco Kouw: 2008-2024